Build a Palindrome Checker
Build a Palindrome Checker
A palindrome is a word or phrase that can be read the same way forwards and backwards, ignoring punctuation, case, and spacing.
Note: You’ll need to remove all non-alphanumeric characters (punctuation, spaces and symbols) and turn everything into the same case (lower or upper case) in order to check for palindromes.
Objective: Build an app that is functionally similar to
User Stories:
- You should have an
element with anid
. - You should have a
element with anid
. - You should have a
element with anid
. - When you click on the
element without entering a value into the#text-input
element, an alert should appear with the text"Please input a value"
. - When the
element only contains the letterA
and the#check-btn
element is clicked, the#result
element should contain the text"A is a palindrome"
. - When the
element contains the texteye
and the#check-btn
element is clicked, the#result
element should contain the text"eye is a palindrome"
. - When the
element contains the text_eye
and the#check-btn
element is clicked, the#result
element should contain the text"_eye is a palindrome"
. - When the
element contains the textrace car
and the#check-btn
element is clicked, the#result
element should contain the text"race car is a palindrome"
. - When the
element contains the textnot a palindrome
and the#check-btn
element is clicked, the#result
element should contain the text"not a palindrome is not a palindrome"
. - When the
element contains the textA man, a plan, a canal. Panama
and the#check-btn
element is clicked, the#result
element should contain the text"A man, a plan, a canal. Panama is a palindrome"
. - When the
element contains the textnever odd or even
and the#check-btn
element is clicked, the#result
element should contain the text"never odd or even is a palindrome"
. - When the
element contains the textnope
and the#check-btn
element is clicked, the#result
element should contain the text"nope is not a palindrome"
. - When the
element contains the textalmostomla
and the#check-btn
element is clicked, the#result
element should contain the text"almostomla is not a palindrome"
. - When the
element contains the textMy age is 0, 0 si ega ym.
and the#check-btn
element is clicked, the#result
element should contain the text"My age is 0, 0 si ega ym. is a palindrome"
. - When the
element contains the text1 eye for of 1 eye.
and the#check-btn
element is clicked, the#result
element should contain the text"1 eye for of 1 eye. is not a palindrome"
. - When the
element contains the text0_0 (: /-\ :) 0-0
and the#check-btn
element is clicked, the#result
element should contain the text"0_0 (: /-\ :) 0-0 is a palindrome"
. - When the
element contains the textfive|\_/|four
and the#check-btn
element is clicked, the#result
element should contain the text"five|\_/|four is not a palindrome"
Fulfill the user stories and pass all the tests below to complete this project. Give it your own personal style. Happy Coding!
1. You should have an input
element with an id
of "text-input"
2. You should have a button
element with an id
of "check-btn"
3. You should have a div
, span
, or p
element with an id
of result
4. When you click on the #check-btn
element without entering a value into the #text-input
element, an alert should appear with the text "Please input a value"
5. When the #text-input
element only contains the letter A
and the #check-btn
element is clicked, the #result
element should contain the text "A is a palindrome"
6. When the #text-input
element contains the text eye
and the #check-btn
element is clicked, the #result
element should contain the text "eye is a palindrome"
7. When the #text-input
element contains the text _eye
and the #check-btn
element is clicked, the #result
element should contain the text "_eye is a palindrome"
8. When the #text-input
element contains the text race car
and the #check-btn
element is clicked, the #result
element should contain the text "race car is a palindrome"
9. When the #text-input
element contains the text not a palindrome
and the #check-btn
element is clicked, the #result
element should contain the text "not a palindrome is not a palindrome"
10. When the #text-input
element contains the text A man, a plan, a canal. Panama
and the #check-btn
element is clicked, the #result
element should contain the text "A man, a plan, a canal. Panama is a palindrome"
11. When the #text-input
element contains the text never odd or even
and the #check-btn
element is clicked, the #result
element should contain the text "never odd or even is a palindrome"
12. When the #text-input
element contains the text nope
and the #check-btn
element is clicked, the #result
element should contain the text "nope is not a palindrome"
13. When the #text-input
element contains the text almostomla
and the #check-btn
element is clicked, the #result
element should contain the text "almostomla is not a palindrome"
14. When the #text-input
element contains the text My age is 0, 0 si ega ym.
and the #check-btn
element is clicked, the #result
element should contain the text "My age is 0, 0 si ega ym. is a palindrome"
15. When the #text-input
element contains the text 1 eye for of 1 eye.
and the #check-btn
element is clicked, the #result
element should contain the text "1 eye for of 1 eye. is not a palindrome"
16. When the #text-input
element contains the text 0_0 (: /-\ :) 0-0
and the #check-btn
element is clicked, the #result
element should contain the text "0_0 (: /-\ :) 0-0 is a palindrome"
17. When the #text-input
element contains the text five|\_/|four
and the #check-btn
element is clicked, the #result
element should contain the text "five|\_/|four is not a palindrome"
18. When the #text-input
element contains an alphanumeric palindrome, the #result
element should correctly identify it as a palindrome.
19. When the #text-input
element contains a random sequence of alphanumeric characters that is not a palindrome, the #result
element should say it is not a palindrome.