Full Stack Developer
A collection of all the Full Stack Developer projects I completed for the freeCodeCamp Full Stack Developer certification. Mastering front-end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, TypeScript) and back-end (Git, Npm, Node.js, Python, databases) technologies to build scalable web applications. Covers all the essential technologies required to build modern, scalable web applications from start to finish.
I completed for the freeCodeCamp Full Stack Developer certification.
HTML projects.
CSS projects, workshops, labs and challenges.
- Animated Ferris Wheel
- Availability Table
- Balance Sheet
- Blog Post Card
- Book Inventory App
- Bussiness Card
- Cafe Menu
- Cat Painting
- City Skyline
- Confidential Emai
- Contact Form
- Event Flyer
- Flappy Penguin
- Flexbox PhotoGallery
- Greeting Card
- House Painting
- Job Application Form
- Magazine
- Magazine Layout
- Moon Orbit
- Newspaper Article
- Nutritional Label
- Piano
- Playing Cards
- Quiz
- Registration Form
- Rothko Painting
- Set Colored Boxes
- Set Colored Markers
- To-Do List
JavaScript projects, workshops, labs and challenges.
Front End Libraries
Front End Libraries links to the projects repo, link to the live demo and a description of the project.